Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu Seminar


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IRKRS Koryu Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu Volume 4 – Open seminar – Australia’s Central Coast at Tumi Umbi. (Download)

Patrick McCarthy – International Ryukyu Karate Research Society
Volume #4 This informal video presentation highlights the September 2001 open seminar on Australia’s Central Coast at Tumi Umbi. This seminar-style presentation kicks off with a 45-minute commentary on technical theories, application practices and the historical premise of kata, by Patrick McCarthy. His popular two-person stretching drills that run for about ten minutes follow the commentary. The main body of the tape is dedicated to a series of unique and hands-on application practices, explanations and demonstrations linked to traditional kata such as Gojushiho, the Pinan kata, Naihanchi, Bassai and Kusanku.

The rest of this informal video presentation covers a seven-part two-person flow-drill that links shoving, backhanding, straight punching, hook punching, downward striking, upper-cut punching and elbowing together into a single practice. Packed with educational value, this informal presentation is not a step-by-step “how-to” instructional video, but rather, made for those who participated in the seminar for the purpose of reviewing what they had already learned.

Shot with a professional digital camera and easy to follow, this informal seminar-style video presentation is not made with the same quality, as is an in-studio post-produced production. However, its low price also reflects this element, too. It is well valued, and bursting with important learning, especially for application-based karate learners.

Running time is about an hour and a half.