私たちを一緒にするものは、私たちを隔てるどんなものよりも重要です。そして、私たちを一緒にするものを小道にたとえると、目的地がゴールでないことが明らかになるまでに、その道をどこまで行けるかによります…それは旅なのです!」。ロバート・フロストの言葉だ。”私は、何時の日か、何処かで溜息をついて、この話をすることになるだろう。” “二つの道が森の中で分かれ、私は道なき道を進んだ・・・そしてそれが、全ての違いを生んだのだ” 恐れることはない、そのような旅に出ることは、たとえそれがあなたの目的地へ連れて行ってくれないとしても、かえって、あなたがいるべき場所に到着することができるかもしれないのだ。
* 原文は2018年に書かれたものです
A Personal Perspective
I believe the conceptual philosophy of the art, which brings us together, is truly universal, even if some of us dig closer to the source of origin to find it while others look more towards the horizon where its many streams and tributaries have since flowed.
Deep roots strengthen the foundation of this art and yet wings provide the means to continue forth on the journey of discovery. Practicing Karate links us inconspicuously to its past; through guidance, discipline and sacrifice we can discover our inner-self; by training together we forge important bonds of friendship and by living the art we honour its heritage. With such learning comes a responsibility to keep this knowledge alive, a responsibility that extends beyond the art and into society as a whole. Early pioneers forged the art not only to condition the body, cultivate the mind and nurture the spirit; They also believed that such a highly challenging pathway represented a journey to self-discovery. Combined efforts to understand such essence, and keep this beautiful tradition alive, and functional, and not only now in the present, but also for the many future generations yet to enjoy the empowering spirit it contains, is this timeless message that we must all embrace and pass on.
I know I speak for many, when I say, how sincerely grateful we all are to be a part of a community that shares the passion and carries this torch forward lighting the way for other likeminded people. Our character, personalities and lifestyle have been shaped by the wonderfully interwoven backgrounds our individual journey’s have taken us on. What a wonderful gift we enjoy by inspiring others through sharing our passion, which contributes back into the art. A genuine desire to help encourage, inspire and empower others to achieve their goals, is not a responsibility taken lightly but I cannot think of a privilege more rewarding than the ability to contribute back into that, which has given us so much.
A link to the past is a bridge to the future and Karate represents the perfect fusion of science and art coming together to create a transformative-like magic; I am confident such a message is far more in line with the spirit and aims of the pioneers than is the emphasis placed upon the winning of a trophy, obtaining award recognition and or the fleeting moments of victory.
Thanks to the Okinawan elders for this valuable cultural heritage; and to my personal mentors for their trust, patience and perseverance. It has been a challenging but most rewarding journey; Deeply grateful to the many who have helped shape my independence. Individually, we are the passions we follow and the people that we love. We are the highs and the lows and the moments in between. We are the places we’ve traveled and the future that we dream. We aspire for lives well-lived in the place called home and to be proud of all we’ve done, knowing it’s never been done, alone. We are what we are, all we were and will ever be is only because of all those wonderful people who’ve shared this journey with me …
What brings us together is more important than anything which separates us; and liking what brings us together to a pathway, it depends upon how far down it one gets before it becomes evident that the destination is not the goal … it’s the journey! Robert Frost said, “I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence, two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled … and that has made all the difference.” Fear not, taking such a journey, even if it does not take you where you are headed, you may, in stead, arrive at where you need to be.
Little did I know in the beginning, that “Karate-do, the pride of Okinawa, would become a gift to world peace, and my salvation.”
Patrick McCarthy
Hanshi 9th Dan
- Originally written in 2018